Monday, May 31, 2010
The power of Cadbury
Cadbury world was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lovely! Throughout the tour they just hand you bars of chocolate to eat, and at one place they pour warm, melted milk chocolate all over marshmallows (or any other little treat you fancy) in a cup, give you a spoon, and thence, they make the world a better place.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Underwear is called pants so be careful about that one!
May 18, 2010:
Did I tell you that my trainer is from Wales? Cool beans! She teaches me much of the English lingo! :) “All right?” That's what people say instead of "how are you?" or "what's up?". They just walk by and say, "all right?" There are some funny words here - band-aids are plasters, the garbage is rubbish and the garbage man is the bin man. The sidewalk is the pavement and your pants are trousers. Your underwear is called pants so be careful about that one! Jeans are jeans! The accent here sounds more like Eliza Doolittle's from "My Fair Lady" before she learns to "speak properly." It's not too hard to understand but people don't always expect the American accent so I'll say something and they stop and go, "what?"
Love you!
Madie aka sister pope (in an English accent: Sista Pope)
Did I tell you that my trainer is from Wales? Cool beans! She teaches me much of the English lingo! :) “All right?” That's what people say instead of "how are you?" or "what's up?". They just walk by and say, "all right?" There are some funny words here - band-aids are plasters, the garbage is rubbish and the garbage man is the bin man. The sidewalk is the pavement and your pants are trousers. Your underwear is called pants so be careful about that one! Jeans are jeans! The accent here sounds more like Eliza Doolittle's from "My Fair Lady" before she learns to "speak properly." It's not too hard to understand but people don't always expect the American accent so I'll say something and they stop and go, "what?"
Love you!
Madie aka sister pope (in an English accent: Sista Pope)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
mind your head
May 11, 2010
I mean ello! I'm in merry old England! and the sun is shining! :) I'm so happy to be here! I am in the mission home right now and my trainer, Sister Morgan, is coming to pick me up! The flight over was awesome - we had a stop over in Paris. When we arrived in England we got on the bus from the airport, drove down the wrong side of the road, and I enjoyed little signs like, ~mind your head~ ~don't soil the vehicle~
xoxoxoxo lovelovelove!
Sister Pope!
P.S. Paris was lovely! It rained and I bought post cards and worked on my French! Cheers!
I mean ello! I'm in merry old England! and the sun is shining! :) I'm so happy to be here! I am in the mission home right now and my trainer, Sister Morgan, is coming to pick me up! The flight over was awesome - we had a stop over in Paris. When we arrived in England we got on the bus from the airport, drove down the wrong side of the road, and I enjoyed little signs like, ~mind your head~ ~don't soil the vehicle~
xoxoxoxo lovelovelove!
Sister Pope!
P.S. Paris was lovely! It rained and I bought post cards and worked on my French! Cheers!
Monday, May 10, 2010
thiskeyboardisn'tworking - grrrrr
May 7, 2010
o ommom! this keyboard is jacked up from elderspoundingon it so sorry for all the mistakes you will suffer on my behalf! than k you so much forthe coooookies !!!! they were a blessingfromthe lord! I told sister lauritzen, "i know my moms gonna send me cookies, i just knowit" and sure enough, you did!
today was crazy!!!!!!!!!!! sis L had hurt her knee pretty bad hiking a week before shecame out, but felt miraculously bett4er the next day,and came to the MTC. this morning we went to the morning work outs that they have especially (and only) for sisters - we get an instructor and do pilates, yoga, kick boxing,toning, etc etc step arobics! so great. well sister L was stretching and when she went to stand up something in her knee just wrenched! So…. to the trainer, to the health clinic, to the mri, back to the health clinic, and we find out she tore her meniscus! crazy! we have been crying, laughing, and hugs and love all day.I have been pushingher aroundin a wheel chair :) luckily I have the utmost sympathies for these ridiculous knee situations! haha. :) but we are so super bummed bc now she must have surgery and might have to go home,be released andthen comeback out.she isso bummed. it's been a rough day.but full of tender mercies, at the sametime. we've bumped into people we really needed to and the timeswe needed to. She will have surgery here, maybe you can give her a home until she can get back to CA. :) she is just like me, only cuter. :)
o ommom! this keyboard is jacked up from elderspoundingon it so sorry for all the mistakes you will suffer on my behalf! than k you so much forthe coooookies !!!! they were a blessingfromthe lord! I told sister lauritzen, "i know my moms gonna send me cookies, i just knowit" and sure enough, you did!
today was crazy!!!!!!!!!!! sis L had hurt her knee pretty bad hiking a week before shecame out, but felt miraculously bett4er the next day,and came to the MTC. this morning we went to the morning work outs that they have especially (and only) for sisters - we get an instructor and do pilates, yoga, kick boxing,toning, etc etc step arobics! so great. well sister L was stretching and when she went to stand up something in her knee just wrenched! So…. to the trainer, to the health clinic, to the mri, back to the health clinic, and we find out she tore her meniscus! crazy! we have been crying, laughing, and hugs and love all day.I have been pushingher aroundin a wheel chair :) luckily I have the utmost sympathies for these ridiculous knee situations! haha. :) but we are so super bummed bc now she must have surgery and might have to go home,be released andthen comeback out.she isso bummed. it's been a rough day.but full of tender mercies, at the sametime. we've bumped into people we really needed to and the timeswe needed to. She will have surgery here, maybe you can give her a home until she can get back to CA. :) she is just like me, only cuter. :)
Ello gov'na!
April 30, 2010
The COOLEST story of the week is this: I noticed a Korean tag on an Asian kid so I said hello in Korean and he was really surprised and asked me how I knew Korean, so I told him about going to school in Hongik, and then he goes, "A sister here went there!" So then I meet Sister Hwang, WHO went to Hongik, AND we have a mutal friend! She is best friends with Arina Kim (who picked me up from the airport when I first arrived in Korea!) It was a Christmas Miracle! So cool! It was such a blessing to meet her, especially b/c she was leaving the next day! You know you are in the right place when you meet a kindred Korean spirit.
The COOLEST story of the week is this: I noticed a Korean tag on an Asian kid so I said hello in Korean and he was really surprised and asked me how I knew Korean, so I told him about going to school in Hongik, and then he goes, "A sister here went there!" So then I meet Sister Hwang, WHO went to Hongik, AND we have a mutal friend! She is best friends with Arina Kim (who picked me up from the airport when I first arrived in Korea!) It was a Christmas Miracle! So cool! It was such a blessing to meet her, especially b/c she was leaving the next day! You know you are in the right place when you meet a kindred Korean spirit.
What wondrous joy it is to be here!

April 24, 2010
What wonders of the earth the MTC is! I love being here! My companion is Sister Lauritzen, she is going to England to!! Birmingham even. She is so cool it kills me. She loves running and the outdoors and the Lord and being a missionary and memorizing scriptures and we like some of the same music! She is from CA. She is so rad. We are really similar so it's great b/c we can study hard. Shes is el champion and really pushes me to be better! I need her for sure! There are 9 other elders who are going to England too! We have only run into 2 of them so far. The Lord blesses us so much here, we study all day and we are able to focus most of the time and remember things and cram things in. It's the bees’ knees. I'm glad I'm here, I really love the district we are in and I've had so many spank-tastic experiences.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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