Monday, December 6, 2010

Exercise and chocolate!

It is 23 degrees but feels even worse with all the damp air!!!! Ca-razy. Sister Clark and I salvaged a rowing machine and got special permission from president to wake up a half hour early and work out. We do this intense 15 min travel work out that grandma Sal sent and then we each take turns doing ten min of hard core rowing and stretch and do abs and all that stuff. Our downstairs neighbors/landlords asked if we could please row a little bit later in the morning than 6:00 AM, as their bedroom is right beneath the rowing machine?? So.... president approved us again to rearrange our schedule. Now we study from 6-8, then we work out, then we get ready for the day. A bit backwards, but it works, and our landlords gave us chocolate for being so complying. :)

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