Wednesday, February 23, 2011

transfers :( and :)

So transfers came again! Time to say goodbye! Sister Clark has been banished to Wales! I am staying in Evesham and my new companion is Sister Rose from Utah! She came out a few months ago; I am her follow up trainer. Pretty spiffy eh? Sister Clark will be greatly missed. After 6 months together it will be like losing my left leg.

I am, however, very grateful to stay in Evesham b/c I really love it. It's the first place on my mission where I feel like I fit. We had the cutest goodbye with the Barnes family. The kids usually just beat us up most of the time that we are there, so during the lesson, it was so sweet when little Maddi just came up and snuggled with Sister Clark. Adorable. Sister Clark shed some tears and all the kids wrote her adorable notes. She will be greatly missed. Everyone loves her!!!!

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