Monday, May 2, 2011

There's power in promises and even more in covenants.

So with this whole Royal Wedding business, it got me thinking - what does this have to do with the gospel? It was so cool to see everyone so excited about a marriage. I was talking with a LDS schoolteacher of 5 year olds. Out of her whole class, only one or two of them had parents that were married - most of them didn't even know what a wedding was. So what did they do? They performed a mock wedding, using the 5 year olds! It was adorable! I was just thinking about all of this, and thinking about how no one takes marriage seriously anymore, but think about it, no matter how much William and Kate love each other, Kate was not a “princess” until she married William. There's power in promises and even more in covenants.

1 comment:

  1. Mama Jane,
    I've been reading both of your missionary blogs this morning and have felt the spirit that Sister Pope so eloquently talks about. You must be so proud. They are such great missionaries - such good young people - such shining examples. I love all the insights they share.
