Tuesday, September 13, 2011

super powers

Half my brain is in Banbury with the stuff we did there, the other half is in Solihull with the stuff we did here, and so I really don't know what to tell you about because I'm just not sure what happened where and who knows what day it happened?? The longer my mission goes on, the more jumbled my brain gets. We go to dinner appointments and members ask, "so what did you do today?" and I honestly have to sit there and think hard. What on earth did we do today? And then some foggy memory will come back, kind of like the feeling you get when you remember your dreams from the night before...oh yeah! We did this and this and this! But on occasions when the Lord really needs you to use your noggin, cool things happen. The amazing abilities of the brain combined with the spirit, sometimes makes you feel like you have super powers. Like I've run into people that I haven't seen for months, and who I'd only spent five to ten min talking with and somehow I've been able to recognize them, and their names come to my head. That’s just crazy. The spirit is good stuff!

Love you all! Be the best!

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