Monday, October 18, 2010

Whitewashing into Evesham!

Wellllllll today is transfers and crazy things are happening yet again! Sister Clark and I are being moved out of Banbury and we are whitewashing into Evesham! (We are taking the place of two Elders) We'll be serving in a branch - they meet in a high school! And apparently, it's really beautiful there! Country - very posh. I'm excited. It sounds like there is a LoT of work for us to do! We’re psyched to be obedient and rely on the Lord. (As Morgan would say, Team Jesus) Sister Clark and I came out together, so we are co-senior companions. How do you like that, eh? It's going to be crazy, but it's going to be good.

1 comment:

  1. ey Maddie its DEE! I love your video adventures about Korea! Very Professional- great editing looks like u had fun and met some great ppl!

    Hope all is well in England! You should pop over to France if you get the chance!

    Lots of Love from Lesley,
