Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bet you never thought about it like that!!!!!

So we got to teach the gospel principles class yesterday - just us missionaries and three recent converts that we are very close to. So we were talking about the Holy Ghost and I ask the class, "What was it like when you were confirmed a member of the church?" One of them goes, "Well, since it's just us, I’ve got to say, that the only thing I can compare it to is the experiences I had had on illegal drugs!" Another one goes, "No way, the only way I could describe the feeling was that it felt like I was drunk. I was so light and happy." Awhile ago, I talked to a recent convert that told us about her lapse back onto smoking weed. She said she realized that the feelings she was getting from being high imitated the same feelings that she had from the spirit. When she realized this, it really scared her, and she gave it up again. It's just a little crazy to think that what everyone is obsessed over -drinking, smoking, drugs - so that they can have a "good time" - are really pursued just to feel the "imitations of the spirit."

What is wonderful is that you can feel those highs by simply qualifying for the Holy Ghost! It's hard work, but well worth the effort. It doesn't go away after one night, it's not expensive, and it occurs over and over....if only everyone knew. Sigh. No wonder people always thought I was high at college. They were confused as to why I was so happy when I was on nothing!

But anyways, put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Or maybe not.



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