Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I became a real elder!

I wanted to say that I become a real elder because we don't get a car for this area, and we’re lookin for bikes!!! Yeah!

White washing (for the third time), replacing elders (for the second time), in Solihull - which is part of Birmingham (for the second time), with Sister Whitaker (for the first time). It's a really posh area that is the most active ward in the mission. Despite that, they have hardly baptized - only about 3 or 4 a year. It's a bit of a mystery, so in an attempt to shake things up, president has put in sisters. He was actually going to keep me in Evesham, but when he prayed about the sisters he was putting in Solihull, the Lord gave him a different answer, and I got to go. I really feel like I'm in the right place. In the past few weeks, I've had a few experiences that have been called to my remembrance. I was thinking about a lady I taught last summer when I was serving in Harbourne. She was in the Solihull area (not far from us) and wanted sisters, so we had special permission to teach her. She's another eternal investigator, but a very special lady. She even has visiting teachers...go figure. Anyway she had been on my mind. A YSA aged girl from Harbourne kept popping into my head as well, and last night I met a woman from the ward who said her son is engaged to this girl, and she had been at their house and told them about me when they found out I was coming. How bizarre is that? I just think it's cool how the spirit works. I've found, and I've talked about this with other missionaries as well - that the longer I'm out, district meetings and zone meetings become less and less of a surprise. You basically know what they are going to talk about by the time you get there. Everyone is so connected and in tune to the spirit, it's outrageous! :)

So to awaken the area, president just told us to be creative and mix it up and use them members! This is a great way to incorporate skillz finding - something Sister Rose and I came up with. We made a list of everything we are awesome at, and then worked it into “finding”. It was quite a breath of fresh air. I love whitewashing because neither of us knows where anything is or who anyone is and everyday is a surprise!

The gospel, did you know? It’s truth. Anything is possible, nothing is certain.

xoxox Madie

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