Sunday, July 17, 2011

He waits for us to open the door

We got to listen to the departing testimonies of some of the elders and sister that are going home in the next couple of transfers. Our AP stood and gave an amazing testimony. He talked about all those times when we struggle, when people disappoint us who we work so hard for, when we feel inadequate, when we ask Heavenly Father, “why?” He said, "I finally realized, it's for this one reason. So that we could have faith in Jesus Christ." It just made so much sense to me. One of the most fundamental reasons we are here is to develop faith in Christ. How could it be developed if it wasn't tested or tried? How could we even have faith if we knew the answer for everything? We couldn't. The fact is, we don't understand everything, we don't see everything, and we don't know everything. But as things happen in my life, as I have held on to the hope, that no matter what, if I keep hanging on, the Savior will come for me, I have found, that so far, He has always come. I've never held on and have been forsaken. Answers come, understanding comes, and the ability to adapt and survive whatever circumstance comes. He lives. If you ever wanted to know, He waits for us to open the door.

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