Monday, July 18, 2011

Talk to EVerYonE


There we are. We’re walking back from district meeting, through the Solihull town centre. (centre is English for center). I'm looking fabulous. I'm wearing my five pound pencil skirt from Primark, and my 6 pound rose patterned shirt from Tesco! and a green cardigan from America! We’re not even sweaty cuz we hadn't even biked that day. There are tonz of peoples all over, and so I decided to try and talk to everyone that came in my path. Well this tall, older gentleman, all dressed in black comes quickly striding out of a store about 10 feet in front of us. I almost didn't stop him because he looked like he was in a hurry, and he looked a bit intimidating, but at the same time, I had a subtle impression that there was something good about him. So I hold out a pass along card with the website and say, "Hi, can I share our card and website with you?" He stops and goes, "oh, I know all about your church!" Sister Whitaker and I have that, "oh no, what have we got ourselves into?" thought come over us. However, our nerves quickly turned to shock and awe, when the man proceeded to tell us, "I'm Elder Zwick, of the Quorum of the Seventy." Whaaaaaaat? Well, he's in the UK for a few weeks, and heading up to Ireland in a few days, but chatted with us for a bit, and it was just sooooo cooool. Man, I've never been more relieved to talk to EVerYonE, and more relieved that I didn't back out of stopping him, and just so grateful to know that the Lord is so extremely aware of us! It's simply a miracle that He placed us all so exactly in the right place and at the right time, that we could all "bump into each other" Had we been on the other side of the street, or had he been in a different shop, we might have missed the divine rendezvous. It was perfect. We were so excited.

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