Monday, September 13, 2010

If you scratch your head long enough.....

Last week in Harborne, we didn't know what to do - our appointments fell through and we had some time but we didn't know where to go. We dropped off our member and sat in the car thinking. We decided to pray and then we sat and thought and thought. We didn't come up with anything brilliant, so we decided to tract an area nearby. We got out of the car and as soon as we did, we ran into a woman who we had given a Book of Mormon to and met with several weeks ago. She told us that she had just had a death in the family and that she had wanted to call us. She had picked up the Book of Mormon that morning and wanted to come to church. It was such a sweet moment. We had had the hardest time re-contacting her, but there she was!!! All b/c we prayed and scratched our heads for long enough that by the time we stepped out of the car, she had come out of her house. Perfect timing. Strange isn't it? :) Wow, miracles are happening here. It’s true. The spirit is so cool. Our mission is particularly being blessed. I love it - I love hearing the success and seeing the fruits of our labors.

I love you!


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