Monday, September 13, 2010

some good times

It's later at night and I stop a punkish looking girl in the street-she takes out her i-pod and I ask her if she has a belief in Jesus Christ. She looks at me and goes, "do you really want an answer to that?" I start feeling a little nervous, but nod my head. Suddenly she starts reaching down for her pant leg, and all the stories of knives and stabbings in Birmingham start coming to my head. I'm thinking, "What have I done? I'm going to be shanked!!!" (My companion hadn't caught up to me yet) and the pant leg is coming up to reveal..............a huge tattoo of a cross. She shows me, stands back up, and looks at me like, "oh yeah, that's right." word.

We were teaching this guy named Cabbage. How did you get that name? "Well when I was a lad, my father sent me to the store to get some fags (cigarettes) but I came back with a loaf of bread. He goes, 'oh, you've got a cabbage for a brain!' and the name stuck."

We taught a German woman who raises rescue ferrets (frettchen!) and as we teach, there are five of them loose and wandering around curiously. Before I know it, there's this ferret (frettchen!) climbing up my bag, up the leg, up the skirt! AAAAAAHHHHHH!

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