Monday, September 13, 2010


I am now in Banbury! I am in a tripanionship! I am with Sister Clark, who came out at the same time I did - she is from California (the Bay Area) - she is super awesome! She was a harp major at BYU. She is brilliant and hilarious. I am also with Sister Necec (pronounced Nemets) who is from...Croatia! Ooo la! She is a convert of two years - she is the only missionary in the world from Croatia! Coool eh? She speaks absolutely perfect English. (American accent included) :) We just had a big “sisters conference”. I am the only sister from Utah! We now have two sisters from Shri Lanka, and that means that 50% of the Shri Lankan sister missionaries are in the England Birmingham Mission! There are thirteen of us total - only four Americans, and the rest are European or Shri Lankan. That's pretty rad! We just received new training from the head hanchos. They are teaching us to slow down when we teach, ask better questions, listen, rely on the spirit, and let the spirit, the investigator, and the missionary do the teaching. As missionaries we have a tendency to plow through the lessons and check off boxes, but they are really trying to teach us to "teach people, not lessons" it's brilliant and inspired of God. The new training really requires us to go off the spirit. It's lovely and hard. :)

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