Monday, April 25, 2011

Is this normal?

We gave a man a Book of Mormon when we were in a random, remote village. It was the second time we'd been there, and we bumped into this guy who was visiting from Birmingham. We taught a brief restoration and he left with a copy of the Book of Mormon. The next morning we get this text/short essay, "Hello Sisters Pope and Rose. I met you yesterday at the bus stop in Honeybourne. After our brief encounter yesterday I was really intrigued by you. I put it down to you both being very nice. When I woke up this morning though, all I could think was that I had to read the book. It felt surreal, like I had to read it rather than wanting to. Is this normal? Have I been touched or chosen or something because I am not sure I understand what has changed in my mind but something has. Please reply." So we called him back and told him that the Book was God's words - that's why it's so powerful, and that you're Okay, you are just feeling the spirit. Ha. So hopefully we will see him tomorrow. He's read first Nephi now. The Book of Mormon is so powerful. It truly is.

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