Monday, April 25, 2011

A walk down memory lane....

So for Easter we went to visit an 88-year-old widow, a real rock of the church. She is the loveliest old woman in all of the UK. She shared with us something very special yesterday! When her husband was the stake president he invited President Harlold B. Lee to come speak to the saints, and he accepted! Halfway through the meeting she was passed a note to inform her that they were coming over for lunch afterwards! President Lee and his wife, along with Elder Gordon B. Hinckley and his wife all went over for lunch! Can you imagine feeding the prophet? She showed us the pictures in a little album she had, along with some letters of correspondence between President Lee and President Hinckley! I got to look at their signatures - how cool. While President Lee was there, they had to buy him a white shirt from Marks and Spencer’s. President Lee was so thrilled with the style and fit of the shirt that in his thank you note, he requested that if it wasn't asking too much, could they please send him two more of the same shirts? He included the sizes and a traveler’s check. How adorable. I didn't expect that when I read the letter!

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