Monday, April 4, 2011

We shall go forward!

Hello – hello, hello – hello, we welcome you today, hello!

England prospers. Oh wow, all of our appointments flogged this week! (Flogged is the mission term for when you are the only one that shows up for the appointment.) So I don't really know what to tell you except we did a lot of finding, and we took members cupcakes, did service, and watched conference! A new week in a new transfer begins, and we shall go forward! There is success and blessing all around us.

We had an appointment with an investigator and as he told us his concerns and problems, I had no CLUE what I could possibly say. I felt the spirit in my heart so I wasn't afraid, and when I opened my mouth, the perfect words came out. The Lord really spoke for me. I went away thinking, "man! I wish I could remember what the heck I said!" It was a right spiritual motivational speech, if I do say so myself. God is so good at those. I wish I could do it naturally, but I'm glad He did it for me, when I didn't know quite what do say, I only knew I had to defend the family in whatever it was I said, and it turned out well.

Our investigators are dwindling in numbers, but the recent converts of this branch are doing really well. They are keeping active and moving forward. There are some that struggle, but many have renewed senses of commitment and it's cool to see the gospel unfold in their lives. One came back from serving in the temple for a week. One is going through the temple this week. One made it to the priesthood session regardless of the fact that his motorcycle broke down. One is coming out teaching with us every Thursday and trying to introduce her friend to the gospel.

If there's one thing I like about the English, it's their hilarious sense of humor, which is mainly comprised of sarcasm. If they are teasing you, you know they like you. It throws off some missionaries who aren't used to sarcasm. You can usually always have a good laugh though.

Oh, did I mention I went to Worcester cathedral the other p-day and saw prince John’s (the phony king of England) grave from Robin Hood?

Ta-ra love!


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