Monday, April 18, 2011

One Year Mark!!!

It has been one year since the Icelandic volcano eruption - which also marks the one-year anniversary of my anti-climatic, failed airport departure to England. Well, I'm glad I'm here now!

So the other week we were out "finding". I felt prompted to go down a particular street. I felt kind of stupid because I seem to always get prompted to go down that street and I was thinking, "oh man, Sister Rose is going to think I'm crazy..." but I just went ahead and did it. Then this girl passes, and I ask if she wants to go to church with us and she says yes! Then I didn't know what to say, but somehow fumbled through giving her directions, a Book of Mormon, and our phone number. To add to my surprise she actually came! She’s a really cool girl - 23 years old, originally from Kent. She’s a hospice/respite nurse and was on call, so halfway through the gospel principles lesson, she got a call that she needed to go. We left a message on her phone afterwards and tried to call her again during the week, but got no response. I was really bummed and thinking, aw man she got freaked out. So later that week I get a prompting to go find her at her house, and I'm like, "no I don't want to!!!! I can't take the rejection!!!" but we go anyway, and she's there, and she says, "Oh, hey guys! wanna come in?" huh? Then we proceed to have a great lesson. John was telling me about how they do things down in Mexico for first lessons and I've been dying to try it out on an investigator (trouble is, is that all of them kept not showing up for their appointments...). Anyways, Sister Rose and I have been referring to it as “mexi-style”. Well, we bust out the mexi-style! and we ask her about what she hopes to get out of church and meeting with us, and she says, to be a better person; to have a new start. So we tell her how to achieve that (baptism) and she accepts! and wants to be baptized on the 8 of May! I was in a state of shock and awe for the rest of the night. THANK goodness this is the Lord's work and not mine! I felt very dumb and very humbled, and very grateful for the promptings of the spirit. It's so silly that I kept feeling like doing things I didn't want to do, but as I did them, we saw great success and felt great happiness. I realized that without the spirit, you really only take shots in the dark. Being able to recognize the promptings of the spirit has been the most valuable resource to me on my mission and Heavenly Father really knows what's best. Phew. So basically what I'm trying to tell myself is to quit dragging my feet about it and go to!

One year I've been here, and I miss you all at home, but the things I've felt and heard and seen have already changed the way I will see and feel and hear forever.

I am grateful for our Savior, He lives.

I love you!


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