Monday, August 8, 2011


Ah yes, just two more transfers to go, and not enough time to pull out all the stops! I was going to decorate my planner with the Concords that Brother Wills printed out for Sister Whitaker and I, after finding out that we knew almost nothing about the magnificent aircrafts, but I thought that might look a little too trunky. Instead, I have the Concords on my desk (that oddly enough remind me of one of my favorite bands/tv shows...flight of the....) and in their stead, have stuck motivational stickers on every day of my planner. Who can have a bad day when you open up to Monday and see "YES!" or Tues to see "Nice work" or Wed to see...." awesome!" and "well done"? Man, positive mental attitude all the way. I gave the "neato" sticker away to our German District Leader since he didn't know what that word was. It's a sad day when they stop teaching the word “neato”. What has the world come to? Honestly, das ist nicht gut!! Anyway, part of the reason the motivation was needed was to combat the bad moods that have been bouncing off my companera and I as of late. But no sireeeee, no bad moods anymore! I'm sick of them! A good mood is my new bad mood. One off week and one lame week and now the spirit is happy, and so are we.

At any rate, things are going well as far as my APW (Assistant to the President's Wife) duties go. I can mix and bake and make frosting for cupcakes and do my hair and pick out sweet outfits all before personal study! Bam! Yes indeed, I'll make a good wife one day.

So our zone set a goal to double the number of baptismal dates in the zone from 10 to 20 this transfer. Well, they asked if we thought we could do it and I was skeptical. I've had experiences in the past of setting goals for numbers in the zone that completely flopped and I was left thinking, "what the heck man? That wasn't cool!" So, once at district meeting, our zone leader asked me how I felt about it, and I said that if they had prayed about it, and that's what they got, then we could do it. I was still skeptical, so I decided I needed to pray about it. As I did so, I had a wonderful feeling, and felt the spirit confirm that it was a good goal. Last night was Sunday, and the last week of the transfer, and after all the numbers had been called in we got a voicemail from the zone leaders, "22! We’ve got 22!" How cools that?


Seeeester Pope

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