Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sometimes God tips you upside down

Isn’t it weird that sometimes what you think is the best thing for you, turns out to be the worst thing for you and how sometimes what you think is the worst thing for you, turns out to be the best thing for you. The experiences we need to shape us into capable servants of the Lord aren't easy or fun, but they are necessary. To make the changes we need to be better, we actually have to change and that requires doing things differently than how you've done them in the past. Sometimes it requires God to tip you upside down so that you can see the world in a different way and when you find yourself right side up again, you're grateful for the perspective. Besides, the worst experiences make the best stories. If the pioneers had a nice little trot out to the west, well for one thing, we wouldn't have half of the heart-wrenching melodramatic church films that we do today, and we wouldn't think much of sacrifice in the Kingdom either. I hate missionary work just as much as I love missionary work! and that's as truthful as I can be with you! But I am forever indebted to Him who called me and to Him who has been shaping me and teaching me, and for that, has been saving my life.



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