Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Not much time so a little of this and a little of that....

August 3, 2011

We just had another transfer; I'm still in Solihull with the Sister Whitaker. Oh yeah baby.

So....I have more freckles.

Morgan used to tell me about this thing called "biking for Jesus” when it's 9:25 and you have to be home by 9:30. Now I know what he means.

Little Rex (an affectionate name for my bad leg) has grown a quarter of an inch this transfer. Thank you bike.

We met some cool people and started teaching them.

Yesterday in a bus stop we talked to a 17 year old who stopped believing in God when his sister died of cancer three years ago. He tried to go to church a year ago, didn't feel anything and left. We explained why we have to go through pain, why sometimes life is hard. We asked him if he'd give church one more try. He hesitated and took out his phone, "what's your number?"

We went to visit an old woman, her family hardly checks up on her, she got left alone on Christmas one year and no one called. we founds her after being prompted to go down a certain street.

English to English:


out of puff - out of breath

hair slides- bobby pins

tick list - check list

skint - broke

ice lolly - popsicle

I always thought to myself, "I should have learned how to play the piano well enough just to play the hymns, in case it would come in handy." However, I did memorize two hymns, praise to the man, and Come, Come Ye Saints. I've never had to play on my mission, there has always been someone else, or we did okay singing acapella. Well, our last district meeting - wow. It was SO bad that I volunteered to play the piano and although I messed up a bit, it was definitely worth it! (Thanks Grandma Maurine!)

A girl in our ward said, "Sister Pope's clothes look like a hippie." Right on!

Another little girl thinks my name is "Sister Poke"

When I was younger, dad once told me, "Every mission should have one convert- yourself." Now I know what he means.

It's all about the love.

I love you! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo madie :)

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