Monday, March 14, 2011

Count your blessings....

Church was wonderful yesterday. We had two investigators who came for the first time. They got a ride from a recent convert. We had two returning members who came for the first time in a long time. We had our recent convert, who spent the night in Worcester and then woke up early and biked almost twenty miles to get to church. When I sat with them all in Gospel Principles and listened to them participate in the lesson and bare their testimonies, my heart was filled to the brim. It's times like yesterday where you feel humbled and grateful that you never gave up, even when it seemed hopeless at the time, because when God steps in and performs his miracles, it's the sweetest fruit to taste. I am impressed by the “returning members”. They come back holding on to their testimonies, freshly remembered. They come back courageously. They are hailed back by open arms and the joy of the saints to see their brothers and sisters looking forward to Christ. It just wasn't the same without them.

President Monson spoke of one thing in particular last conference - gratitude. It has truly blessed me. As I review the weeks and months in gratitude and search out the blessings, suddenly I'm surprised at how good life is. Count your blessings.

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