Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Lord has our backs....

The great thing is that Heavenly Father is really in control. :) Happy days! When it matters most, he takes over. We had a cool experience this week. We were teaching our investigator. I didn't think she was ready for the baptismal commitment, but you never know. Last time we were there, Sister Rose assigned 2 Nephi 31 for her to read, which is all about baptism. When we got to the appointment, Sister Rose had completely forgotten what she assigned, and when we followed up, she realized that we would be talking about baptism and felt the heat come on. So we discussed the chapter. During the lesson, I was thinking about inviting her to baptism but had some weird impression to wait and the impression of something about Sister Rose. Meanwhile, the conversation was drifting away from baptism and onto other things. Sister Rose was praying in her head that if the conversation went back to baptism, she would invite and then what do I do next? I turned the conversation back to baptism. Well that put the serious heat onto Sister Rose! bwa haha. So then she follows up after what I say about baptism, and extends the commitment. To my surprise our investigator told us that she had been thinking about it and really understood the importance and significance of it. She's praying about it. Cool beans! It's good to know that the Lord has our backs. Sometimes He just oversteps our plans, because His are much better. Would he really rely on us in our imperfect and weakened state to really have it all figured out? As long as we do our best, He makes sure the magic happens. And, we were going to discuss kingdoms of glory (which we did - connect that to 2 Nephi 31 - yeah that's right!)

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