Monday, March 14, 2011

Weird calamities of Bermuda triangles....

The mission brings about weird calamities of Bermuda triangles every so often. Last week we went to teach our investigator, whose neighbor was murdered a few weeks ago. She told us that the funeral was that day, in the church near our flat. She wasn't going, but her son was. Anyway, we went back home - we did't have much time for lunch between our next appointment (which is delivering cupcakes to Harold, a 18 year old friend of Tom, whose girlfriend was suspicious of us, but recently broke up with him! drama, drama, drama -anyway, we made him cupcakes). So, lack of time, what do we do? Make fantastic paninis! Oooo pesto, fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil from our basil plants (yeah that's how I roll - I grow basil on my study desk!) We start walking, carrying cupcakes and eating fantastic paninis. We are getting up towards the church and see a huge crowd of mourners. We decide to cross the street so we don't disturb them. There's quite a line of traffic queuing up around the church so we decide to run across at the first break we see! As we are running we realize that we had just ran in front of the hearse. Good one. Nevertheless, on the other side of the road, we bump into our investigators son!
"Hi Dan."
"Oh hi, you all right?"
"You all right?" (traditional English greeting...)
Should have offered a cupcake………

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