Tuesday, March 8, 2011

God is good

Yesterday was a hard day at church. It seems these days that only the “rocks” are left. We were a bit sad. But, at the end of the night we had an appointment with a less-active-recent-convert. She had stopped coming to church just before she hit her ‘year mark’ in January. We were really worried about her and concerned. She had been doing well, but doubted her testimony. She wanted to take a step back to re-evaluate. It was strange b/c, although Sister Clark and I were concerned, we felt a sense of peace and just weren't too worried. We hadn't been able to see her for months. She excitedly told us about her experiences she had been having. She had realized there were changes that she had gone through, returning to her old life, but realized she reacted differently to situations - with more self-confidence, with more desire to do good. She said that after leaving the church for a bit, it was easier, but not happy. The same thoughts kept popping up in her head, randomly. She said at first she thought it was coincidence, but then compared it to science - "if it happens enough times it becomes fact". We called her once when she was thinking about us; she called some members when they were thinking about her. Her Ensign kept falling out of a huge stack of newspapers and magazines. Hmmm.

"I'll see you next Sunday,” she said.

Wow. I love you!
God is good.


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